
Mid/Senior Unity Engineer

Stafford, England
Work Type: Full Time

Fennec Labs is at the forefront of creating immersive VR experiences in the Location-Based Entertainment sector. Partnering with leading industry giants such as HTC VIVE and Pico Interactive, we specialise in cutting-edge VR technology. Our team is growing, and we're looking for a skilled Mid/Senior Unity Engineer to join us and make a significant impact on our freeroam VR arena platform Spawnpoint.

By joining Fennec Labs you'll embark on an exciting journey with us shaping the future of VR entertainment. As a key team member, you'll play a crucial role in developing and maintaining our new and existing innovative titles for Spawnpoint, leveraging your Unity expertise for this as well as towards expanding our first-party multiplayer framework across all our games. Additionally you’ll be working with the core codebase of our arena management platform to develop new and exciting features for operators around the world.

With a focus on pushing boundaries, you'll collaborate with a passionate team to pioneer projects that blend creativity with cutting-edge technology, offering unique experiences to users worldwide. Ready to make your mark in the world of location-based VR gaming? Join us and help shape the future


Location: Staffordshire Technology Park, Stafford

Type: Full-Time, In-Studio

Pay: £40,000 - £50,000 per annum

What you’ll be up to

  • Architect, develop, and maintain robust systems and tools for gameplay and development.

  • Write maintainable, efficient, and well-structured code.

  • Optimise performance across various mobile VR headsets, including Meta Quest and VIVE Focus 3.

  • Collaborate with an interdisciplinary team to craft thrilling new VR experiences tailored for location-based settings.

  • Contribute to the ongoing development of our primary codebase for the Spawnpoint platform.

  • Mentor junior programmers, helping to elevate team capability and manage workload effectively.

  • Work with our Production Lead to break down project requirements, assign tasks, and manage development milestones.

Skills & Experience

  • Deep expertise in Unity and C#.

  • Proficient in multiplayer networking libraries and game development principles.

  • Exceptional organisational skills and a sharp eye for detail.

  • Comprehensive understanding of the Unity graphics pipeline, particularly URP.

  • A good working knowledge of Git and Git LFS.

  • Proficient in using JIRA for task management from both assignee and assigner perspectives.


  • Experience developing, implementing, and refining VR gameplay features from concept to completion.

  • Experience with full-stack web development, particularly related to cloud services.

  • Knowledge in setting up automated build pipelines.

  • Proficiency in shader development using HLSL or node-graph based tools.


  • Tech salary sacrifice scheme

  • 28 days annual leave plus public holidays and additional wellbeing days.

  • Christmas & New Year shut down period

  • Bupa Select private healthcare coverage with a £0 excess

  • Local gym membership, conveniently located near the studio.

At Fennec Labs we're committed to equality of opportunity and embrace individuals from diverse backgrounds, regardless of age, race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, disability, or any other characteristic. We actively encourage applications from everyone because we believe that a variety of perspectives strengthens our team and enhances our ability to innovate. Join us in creating an inclusive environment where every individual feels valued, respected, and empowered to thrive.

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